Locksmiths hold a host of skills that enable them to complete their job. Furthermore, they are usually very skilled personally too. They usually have an ability to make it an art rather than just going through the motions of a day to day job. This being said, there are still a range of qualifications that a locksmith needs to possess. This is for the peace of mind of the public, or customers that may use a certain locksmith company. The customer is more likely to choose a locksmith service, if they see that they have the relevant qualifications and trade certificates.
As expected, in order to qualify as a locksmith, you need to either have an official certificate from the appropriate locksmith body, or qualify on an accredited trade school. These are currently the only two ways you can operate a locksmith service, legally. There will be requirements that a company needs to possess before they can achieve an accredited status also. Locksmiths will have to meet certain criteria and regulations set by business sector boards. Furthermore, this will of course differ from state to state across the USA. You will be required to obtain a license whether you own the company, or just work for another.
As said before, there are a few ways to become certified and qualified as a locksmith. Recently, potential locksmiths have been opened up to a world of a modern apprenticeship, whereby a company takes on the responsibility of training and qualifying a new recruit. They firstly have to take part in a basic locksmith training course. This will enable the new recruit to gain the basic skills necessary to overcome problem they may experience by working in a hands on environment. The initial skills thought to be most important in the beginning, are basic lock repairs and key cutting.